Abundant Life Assemble declares, "The supreme task of this church is World Evangelization." Founding pastor, Pastor Cuke, had a vision to mobilize churches throughout Barbados and the Caribbean to partner with ALA and become 'mission senders'. We have an annual celebration of missions - Missions Convention - to appraise the church of what God is doing around the world and encourage participation in world evangelization by praying, financial giving, and sharing the gospel. We also have our School of Global Missions which is a sixteen week course with a two week outreach, and our Evangelism Explosion as well as Kids EE programmes which are a witnessing tool to enable persons to lead someone to Christ.
Over the years we have partnered with mission agencies such as Wycliffe Bible Translators, Youth With A Mission, Operation Mobilization, and Uplift to provide further training for long-term missionaries. Our members have served in Venezuela, Brazil, India, China, Albania, several African countries, among the Aborigines of Australia as well as on the Logos ships. We have also supported indigenous pastors in Guyana, Israel, Rwanda, Sudan, South Africa, and children's homes in Guyana and India.
Over the years we have partnered with mission agencies such as Wycliffe Bible Translators, Youth With A Mission, Operation Mobilization, and Uplift to provide further training for long-term missionaries. Our members have served in Venezuela, Brazil, India, China, Albania, several African countries, among the Aborigines of Australia as well as on the Logos ships. We have also supported indigenous pastors in Guyana, Israel, Rwanda, Sudan, South Africa, and children's homes in Guyana and India.

School of Global Missions
SCHOOL OF GLOBAL MISSIONS (SOGM) was established to equip the Body of Christ for World Evangelization (WE).
The objectives of the SOGM are as follows:
· Sensitizing Christians to the need for WE.
· Calling Christians to commit to WE.
· Providing an orientation course for those who desire to learn about WE.
· Providing a short-term missionary experience in evangelism, discipleship, and team-building in a
cross cultural setting.
· Providing a resource for the church in missions education and information.
On completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of World Evangelization and will have completed a detailed written project on a country or people-group for assessment.
The course is sometimes followed by an outreach which is optional. The outreach will take place after the completion of the course. Previous schools have pioneered church planting and church strengthening missions to the interior of Guyana.
The objectives of the SOGM are as follows:
· Sensitizing Christians to the need for WE.
· Calling Christians to commit to WE.
· Providing an orientation course for those who desire to learn about WE.
· Providing a short-term missionary experience in evangelism, discipleship, and team-building in a
cross cultural setting.
· Providing a resource for the church in missions education and information.
On completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of World Evangelization and will have completed a detailed written project on a country or people-group for assessment.
The course is sometimes followed by an outreach which is optional. The outreach will take place after the completion of the course. Previous schools have pioneered church planting and church strengthening missions to the interior of Guyana.