Benevolence - The Giving Aspect Of Our Motto
Each member and friend of ALA has the opportunity to voluntarily and lovingly contribute to meeting the physical needs of the church community and to the general community of Barbados.
One Sunday of each quarter a collection is given by the congregation towards the ministry of benevolence. The church is alerted ahead of time so that those who feel led to give are made aware and can prayerfully prepare their gift. Apart from this opportunity to give, the congregation can make a donation at anytime - in person or online . Donations of non perishable food items are also appreciated.
Your monetary donation helps those who are in need of a helping hand from the church community as well those in the the general environs of the church and the wider Barbados. We assist in paying water bills, give food hampers/vouchers, and assist the shut-ins.
One Sunday of each quarter a collection is given by the congregation towards the ministry of benevolence. The church is alerted ahead of time so that those who feel led to give are made aware and can prayerfully prepare their gift. Apart from this opportunity to give, the congregation can make a donation at anytime - in person or online . Donations of non perishable food items are also appreciated.
Your monetary donation helps those who are in need of a helping hand from the church community as well those in the the general environs of the church and the wider Barbados. We assist in paying water bills, give food hampers/vouchers, and assist the shut-ins.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
Matthew 25: 35-36